Thursday, March 09, 2006

MARCH 2006

E-NEWSLETTER for March, 2006

Julian’s Oscar Outing:

Beverly Hills, CA – 3.4.06
Julian with publicist, Dawna Shuman; captivating prolific writer, Dominick Dunne with his Numerology magic at the Beverly Hills Hotel during Oscar Week.



March Master Numbers: 11-22-33-44

Happy March 2006, dear friends. Welcome and know you are free to create and materialize your heart’s desire. Old foundations are crumbling and changing so rapidly that we deserve to protect ourselves from their remnants.

Bring awareness, peace and equipoise to your heart, body and mind. Know the Master Numbers of Numerology. This month, I will teach you how to create a Tesla shield of protection. You will experience your infinite possibilities and create your own magical temple. I’m very happy to share this Electro-Magnetic Tesla Field exercise that I’ve been doing everyday for over three years now
that was channeled through me by Master Tesla, himself.

Now, let’s discuss the sacred Numerology of March 2006.

March 2006 – Universal Month – “11-2”

The Universal Month is the road map that we can follow to understand our opportunities and challenges. It is obtained by adding the month and Universal Year 2006.

March is a “3” energy for all forms of communication. Express and empower yourself through the arts, sciences and what you clearly love to do. Connect with your spiritual cell phone and listen to your inner ring-tones to guide your intuition and manifest with your higher self. This is truly the state of self-empowerment.

The “8” of 2006 is asking you to circulate your physical and mental powers and to learn how to access infinite knowledge. Together the “3” of March and the “8” of 2006 – an “11-2” – is giving you the keys to the doors of creating and materializing what you want out of life as you are entering Mastery.

Numerology: Using the Master Number Vibrations 11-22-33-44…

As a Numerologist for over 25 years, the Numbers have talked to me and have their own communication and language. Master numbers work on a higher frequency than normal numbers. For example an 11 is a higher vibration of 2, and 22 is a higher vibration of 4, etc.

The Master Number vibrations awaken your innate skills, creativity and communion with hidden wisdom – your divinity. When I witness Master vibrations in a birth-date, a name vibration, on street signs or the time on a clock, I know that there is some kind of message or acknowledgement that needs to be listened to.

Have you ever looked at a clock at exactly 11:11 A.M? What does this mean? The 11 is the first master vibration. Seeing it, it can be reminding you to walk peaceful in your path and search deep in your subconscious and dreams for answers. At that moment it can also be asking you to bless the thought you just had, the person you are with or situation you’re in. Perhaps you need to be more light-hearted and don’t take things so seriously. The 11 can be asking you to share yourself more. It can also just be reminding you that you are a loving light being and validating your presence – it’s own way of saying thank you.

Jack Nicholson is born on 4-22. Being born on the 22nd, he is a master as an artist and entrepreneur as well as an art collector. As an Hollywood icon, he is really working his mastery as a 22 in his life and empowering actors in their craft along the way.

When you see, an 11, 22, 33 or 44 or any Master Number Vibration on a clock or anywhere else, realize that it has multi-dimensional meanings. By focusing on these digits, you embrace its mastery. Use your intuition to ask what it is you need to know at that moment. The following explains what these numbers have
to offer you.

The Master Number “11” is the key to opening the doors of creativity and magic in life. The people and experiences around you move and awaken you. The “11” Vibration is the “Messenger of God.” You’re here to take what you’ve learned and share this peace, love and your compassion of life with humanity.

The Master Number “22” organizes, materializes and makes everything real. Known as the “Master Builder,” this vibration is alive, active and by utilizing this force in your life, it will assist you to undertake large enterprises and achieve major accomplishments that can make a difference.

The Master Number “33” has a very deep desire to serve and assist people and humanity in a big way. Known as the “Teacher of Teachers” vibration, this energy vibrates on a very high love frequency of the “Christ Consciousness.” It awakens the beauty, joy and ecstasy of living life.

The Master Number “44” is the most powerful vibration of materialization. It’s known as the master of creating “Heaven on Earth.” The “44” grounds and motivates people to awaken and manifest their hearts desire; to be influential in other people’s lives and the world.

These four Master Numbers will now be used to create the following exercise.

Build Your Electro-Magnetic Tesla Field Of Magic

Mother Earth’s electro-magnetic field is a mirror directly related to your own human body. It is protected by the ozone layer. This is your auric field around your body, breathing in and around you. Wake up now and replenish and fortify this amazing shield of energy.

Relaxing and meditating, my body floated in no time and no space. I began thinking of the brilliant inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla. He was Thomas Edison’s controversial assistant. He also worked with Albert Einstein on the famous Unified Field Theory. Tesla discovered alternate current power sources of energy. His work is now being used in the Research Project H.A.A.R.P. and the current Star Wars Program.

An interesting exercise came into my mind as I meditated. It’s simple and afterwards you feel refreshed, confident, renewed, empowered, loved and inspired to create miracles. (Note: To be able to partake in this exercise fully, you may want to pre-record these steps into a tape recorder.) Are you ready? OK, let’s begin.

1. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Relax your body and your eyes and exhale out slowly. Take another deep breath, hold and exhale out slowly – longer this time. Watch your breath. With each exhale you go deeper and deeper into relaxation. Breathe into any area of your body that you’re feeling stress or anxiety. Now release all tension on the exhale. Relax your head and shoulders. Let your jaw relax; mouth slightly open and your tongue loose. Excellent! You’re doing great.

2. Imagine and experience as you see a full view of Mother Earth. Look at her from space. Connect with the three points of the earth – the North Pole, Equator and South Pole. Observe and feel as these three points merge with your solar plexus, stomach, and create a beautiful bright loving golden sun. You’re feeling wonderful, refreshed and illuminated. (Relax!)

3. Take the golden sun’s rays and circulate this radiance in your body and blood stream to the top of your Head. The sound Om is the primordial sound of the universe. Now begin to Om and feel the energy scintillate every cell and atom of your body.

4. The Om flows from the top of your head down; down to your toes. Now let it flow back to the top of your head. Om and circulate the sun’s energy 10 times flowing down and up your body. Great! After the 10th circulation stop sounding the Om. (Relax!)

5. Now start counting to 11. Witness and experience the creation of a beautiful golden auric field vibrating three inches around your body. (Relax!)

6. Start to count to 11 again as this adds to 22. Pause a few seconds. Now expand your auric field to 6 inches. (Relax!)

7. Count to 11 again as this adds to 33. Pause a few seconds. Expand your auric Tesla field to 1 foot. (Relax!)

8. Count to 11 the forth time as this adds to 44. Pause a few seconds. Expand your Tesla Field to 3 feet.

9. Now relaxed, feel yourself free, growing in confidence and courage. Listen to your heart’s inner voice. Vibrate in your divine golden auric Tesla Electro-magnetic Field for a few minutes.

Question: What is this exercise all about? What are the benefits?

When I was being shown this exercise by Tesla in my meditation, I felt that repeating the Master Number 11 four times was a door opening to mastery of creating an Electro-Magnetic Field and magical temple.

The 11 is the 1st door and is an initiation in creating this Electro-Energy Field and very special sacred temple.

Adding 11 again creates a 22 Master Vibration which is the foundation and glue to create this Energy Field and protective shield.

An additional 11 addition to a 33 is the unconditional love Venus Christos energy with imagination, intuition, and psychic energies and beyond, being evoked and infused in your Tesla Field of unlimited power.

And finally, adding 11 again for the fourth time creates a 44 Master Vibration. This is the Heaven and Earth frequency coming together. It is the beginning of your Tesla Electro-Magnetic Field being activated and a magical temple of unlimited power at your disposal to use and create miracles of your Hearts Desire.

With this exercise, know that you are creating a protective electro-magnetic shield that totally surrounds you. This shield is strengthened each time you do it. Being in this frequency, you and your surroundings are energized. You feel comfortable, harmonized and strong. You are brought peace, awareness, and equipoise to your mind, body and spirit.

This Tesla Solar Field also builds a time machine for you. Soar the heavens. Surf your electro-magnetic spectrum. Travel your genetic inheritance. Embrace the secrets of your loving existence.

It is time to Wake Up to your true destiny. Transformation is happening. Embrace this exercise.

Thank You

Thank you my beloved friends for your feed-back with my interviews with astrologer Stephanie Azaria in my January and February 2006 Newsletters. The interviews can be found in my website archives.

As always, a special thank you to one of my dearest friends
and my publicist, Dawna Shuman for all your support over the
years. Thank you for following your intuition and taking me to
the Polo Lounge!

Empower your loved ones by sharing this exercise. Blessings…Love Julian

Julian will be conducting private sessions in person and via phone. To schedule a session, please call 323.384.1333 or email Julian at and visit his website:


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